Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dan Barry on the endless baseball game: "Bottom of the 33rd"

If you're one of my current or former students, you know that I'm a fan (and friend) of Dan Barry.  If you are a reader of one of my health or science blogs: Sorry. It was kind of reach to lure you here. I'm hoping you will be happy I did. 

Dan writes the The NewYork Times' "This Land" column and now he's produced a book about baseball. But it's not really a book about baseball. It's about the longest baseball game ever played,  but it is also about the people who, 30 years ago, stayed up into the early into hours of Easter Sunday because the rule book said they had to. 

If you are interested in good writing, baseball, Rhode Island, Wade Boggs, New England history, humor, or the Red Sox, give this book a read.

You can read the first chapter on the publisher's page:

Tounge twister -- If you like the book, like it on Facebook
Buy it here:
You missed the book signing but this link will take you to McCoy Stadium.

Now, another pitch for a another fine book by a fine friend: The Big Thirst This one I can double dip for the science/health/writing blogs. Here's a linkt to interview with author Charles Fishman from NPR's" Fresh Air."

From the "Fresh Air" page:

The last 100 years has been the golden age of water in the developed world: water that has been safe, unlimited and essentially free," he tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross. "But that era is over. We will not, going forward, have water that has all three of those qualities at the same time: unlimited, unthinkingly inexpensive and safe."

Currently, one out of six gallons of water acquired, treated and pumped by water utilities in the U.S. leaks back into the ground before it can be used by a home or business. This, says Fishman, will change — but only if technology at water utility companies starts to improve.

"Water utility companies are run the same way they were 30 or 40 years ago," he says. "They don't understand what's going on in their own pipes. As technology allows us to see what's happening to the water in the water system — whether it's in a factory, university or whole ecosystem — we'll be able to manage that water much more smartly."

In The Big Thirst, Fishman examines different areas of the world already grappling with water shortages. He profiles parts of Delhi, India, where people line up twice a day with buckets for clean water, and Las Vegas — which, despite having all forms of water entertainment for visitors, is currently dealing with one of the biggest water shortages in the nation.

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