Sunday, July 19, 2009

Walter Cronkite reminds us that lots of MSM journalists are not clueless.

For example, the man speaks for himself about the value of credibility. Aspiring journalists take note.

I have stood on a long-held principle in refusing even to entertain the idea of running for office. Should one who has achieved national fame as a presumably impartial news person ever run, the public is going to have every reason to question whether that person had been tailoring the news to build a political platform. The burden of credibility is already heavy enough without that extra load

Also: Jeff Gordinier posted his excellent Q.& A. from Details, revealing Cronkite as a randy Deadhead.

I think I'll work on a piece about coming of age with Walter Cronkite. He took over the CBS Evening News when I was three and signed off when I was 23. My father was a news junkie, so I remember seeing a lot of Walter . He was like a nice grandfather gracefully delivering important news -- good and bad.

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